How to Become Famous On Twitter In 2022

When you think of someone who is famous on Twitter, what comes to mind? Do they have a lot of followers and tweet all day long? Maybe they are one of those people with less than 1,000 followers that have tweeted every single day since 2008. There are many ways to gain fame on the social media platform and it can be difficult for new users to know where to start.

With over 500 million tweets sent every day, it’s no surprise that celebrities use Twitter to stay in touch with fans and promote their latest projects.


  • 13 Ways – How To Become Famous on Twitter
    • 1. Create an Twitter intriguing profile by adding picture and Use Relevant Keywords & Hashtags in Your Bio
    • 2. Focus on something to tweet about your passion or hobby
    • 3. Use trending hashtags in each tweet to Gain more followers
    • 4. The more people you follow, the more people will follow you
    • 5. Retain followers by running contests or creating a poll
    • 6. Continue tweeting as you would normally without overdoing it
    • 7. Be honest with your followers and others
    • 8. Be Funny, Get Creative
    • 9. Engage with Twitter Influencers
    • 10. Share Content From Other Creators
    • 11. Tweet about Trending Topics
    • 12. Find & Join Twitter Chats for Your Industry
    • 13. Comment on your follower’s tweet and people you follow

13 Ways – How To Become Famous on Twitter

If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming famous on Twitter, here are 12 commandments for how to become a celebrity on the social media platform.

1. Create an Twitter intriguing profile by adding picture and Use Relevant Keywords & Hashtags in Your Bio

Create an intriguing profile by adding a picture and using relevant keywords in your bio. This is about creating something that stands out from what it says on the surface, so make sure to use appropriate hashtags as well.

Remember though, Twitter only allows 140 characters per tweet; therefore if you want to get noticed then keep at most one thought in each post or else someone will probably just scroll past without taking notice of anything beyond the header text!

It’s important to remember that our goal isn’t necessarily followers but rather engagement through retweets and favorites which can help draw attention from other people who might be able to offer some kind of opportunity.

2. Focus on something to tweet about your passion or hobby

In the past, it was hard for people to become famous on Twitter because there were not as many ways to easily share information. Nowadays, with social media like Instagram and Facebook, you can still use Twitter in addition to those platforms. Twitter is still a great way to share what you are currently doing and your thoughts on things.

There are many ways people can become famous on Twitter from tweeting about their profession, business, or just something they like. The key is to focus on one topic so that the content will be interesting for other people as well.

For example, if someone loves cooking and wants to tweet about it then they should find food-related hashtags (e.g., #food) and make sure to follow popular accounts in that niche (#cheftweet). This person could also try posting pictures of themself making different dishes with descriptions underneath each picture talking about how easy it was ____or more complicated steps needed _____to create this recipe.

3. Use trending hashtags in each tweet to Gain more followers

Trending hashtags are the best way to get more attention on Twitter. Trends change every day, so it is important that you periodically search for trending topics and then use these as a hashtag in your tweets. If people see that many other people are tweeting about this trend they will most likely start following you too!

If you notice that many other people are tweeting about something, tweet it! You will see a new following rapidly go up and then stick around for a long time.

Hashtags not only work with trending topics but also when talking to famous celebrities or influencers on Twitter. Make sure your tweets mention them by using their handle (username) so they can get notified of the conversation happening between themselves and others. This is one way to make friends in the industry – even if you’re just starting out.

4. The more people you follow, the more people will follow you

The more people you follow, the more they will follow you. It’s a snowball effect: if your follower count is just 100 and you start following 1000, then in turn 1000 followers of those people might see your tweets because their feed now shows every tweet from those who are followed by that person.

Followers have an “influence” on how many followers someone has (although not always). The higher-profile accounts with millions of subscribers often don’t actually send out any Tweets but simply gain new ones as other users subscribe to them.

5. Retain followers by running contests or creating a poll

Keep your followers entertained with interactive content. Offer a giveaway, post polls asking questions about their thoughts on different topics, or run quizzes to see how well they know you. And don’t forget contests!

Give them something to do and the opportunity for more exposure by running some kind of contest that requires people to retweet in order to enter it. The benefits are two-fold: one, you will get more retweets; two, those who retweet will be exposed to your account even if they never follow you (after all, what is Twitter but constant headlines).

In other words…it’s not enough just having an interesting profile picture–you can’t just sit there and wait for fame. You need things happening–things that will engage your followers and keep them coming back for more.

6. Continue tweeting as you would normally without overdoing it

I’m not saying you’ll get famous from tweeting in the same pattern every day but if you post to Twitter as often as possible, people will keep checking your account out and that leads to more followers. If they like what they see, there’s a chance they might follow you on their own accord.

Avoid heavy content such as politics or controversial topics.

If all of our posts were about how much we hate Donald Trump then it would be hard for anyone else to share them without offending half of their audience which could lead to some unfollowing down the line. Leave those kinds of discussions for Facebook groups with trusted friends who want nothing but laughs or group chats where opinions are respected no matter who has them. Keep your tweets relevant.

The moment you start tweeting about your favorite football team, people who follow you for restaurant recommendations aren’t going to be very happy.

The best way to keep followers is by giving them what they want: more of the great content that initially made them follow in the first place. Give us something we can use. Tweet as often as possible.

If I’m only posting every other day and someone else posts five times a day then it’s not hard to see which one will accumulate more followers over time simply because their posts are being seen constantly.

This doesn’t mean spamming your feed but if all of my tweets were spaced out between each other, I would miss out on an opportunity for a potential new following when there was room.

7. Be honest with your followers and others

One of the best ways to become famous on Twitter is by being honest with your followers and others. Share what you think about any given topic or situation, but also try to share what other people have said as well so that they feel included in the conversation.

Be open and honest about your life in order to make a personal connection with others. When people feel connected, they’re more likely to share themselves through their Tweets.

People will usually want to follow you if you are interesting or funny because they’ll want updates when the next great thing happens in your life.

8. Be Funny, Get Creative

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s not. You can’t just post a picture of yourself every once in a while and expect to be famous. It doesn’t work that way… there are so many other people out there posting the same thing you are!

Be funny about it or get creative with your posts. That is what will set you apart from everyone else who has posted before you.

9. Engage with Twitter Influencers

Engage with Twitter influencers that have a similar audience to your target market. Recognize their tweets and tweet them back, retweeting what they post on social media. This will help you build rapport and increase the likelihood of being mentioned in future posts by those same influencers.

Share any articles or other content you create as well for additional exposure outside of just tweeting at someone else’s feed.

10. Share Content From Other Creators

One way to become famous on Twitter is by sharing content from other creators. There are thousands of people within your reach that you can share their content with and they will, in turn, share yours, which means more followers for both!

This is a win-win situation. It’s also good for you because it means that the content you’re sharing isn’t just your own, and therefore more likely to be widely accepted by your followers.

11. Tweet about Trending Topics

If you tweet about a trending topic, it will likely become popular on Twitter and at least your followers might see what you have to say.

Trending topics may include current events, pop culture, and notable people.

Your tweet should be relevant to the event or person you are tweeting about. For example, if an important political figure is on a talk show talking about his new book release, then this would be something worth tweeting about because many of your followers care about that topic.

You might hold off from tweeting when there have been violent protests happening in a certain city and it’s not safe for all citizens to go outside – but if you were lucky enough to get out safely with your phone camera working while broadcasting live video footage online then share those posts too!

If you’re not sure what trends are going around at any given time, just type “trends” into Twitter’s search bar and see what shows up.

You can also check different sites like such as Buzzfeed, Mashable, or The Huffington Post which often post a list of trending topics on their site in the sidebar area.

If you’re not sure how to tweet about certain things, just think about your favorite blog posts: What did they talk about? Why was it interesting enough for you to read more than once? Then try tweeting something similar!

Your followers will appreciate knowing that you know them well enough to have an opinion worth listening to.

12. Find & Join Twitter Chats for Your Industry

One of the best ways to become a Twitter celebrity is by networking with other people in your industry.

What are some good strategies for finding and joining chats?

First, find out what hashtags are used on Twitter – especially in your niche. Then make sure you have an account at Twubs which will allow you to search for specific chat topics.

Next, subscribe to a Twitter chatbot or follow the #twitterchats hashtag so that it can notify you about new chats happening every day around different industries all over the world!

Every time there’s a chat going live, the Twitter chatbot sends me a DM letting me know who initiated the discussion and when it starts. Pretty rad huh? If this isn’t your thing, you can always just search for chats online and subscribe to the chat’s email list.

13. Comment on your follower’s tweet and people you follow

Comment on your follower’s tweets and people you follow. This will not only make them feel more appreciated but also show that they’re worth commenting on. You can use this method for clients too!


As of July 2022, Twitter is ranked as the 16th most popular social networking worldwide (ranked by a number of monthly active users). To put that in perspective, Twitter has 8.85% of the world’s overall social media user base. It’s estimated that more than 4.48 billion use social media at least monthly.05-Jan-2022

Twitter’s user count is expected to grow upwards of 329 million in 2022. In 2020, eMarketer predicted that Twitter would see a 2.8% growth, but the pandemic changed everything. So in October, they revised their 2020 forecast to a growth of 8.4%—a considerable increase from their original forecast.16-Mar-2022

Is Twitter losing popularity? According to Forbes, Twitter has experienced a steady decline in popularity from 2012-2018 (Forbes, 2019) . It is down more than 100 million users who tweet on a daily basis and down almost 200 million daily tweets while no new users have been recorded.

Year Revenue, U.S Dollars
—- ——————–
2017 2.443 billion
2018 3.02 billion
2019 3.459 billion
2020 3.72 billion

Year Revenue, U.S Dollars
——- ——————–
2020 3.72 billion
Q1 2022 1.04 billion
Q2 2022 1.19 billion

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