How To Make Sections On Pinterest – Complete Guide 2022

How To Make Sections On Pinterest – Complete Guide 2022

How To Make Sections On Pinterest – Complete Guide 2022

If you’re like me, you probably love Pinterest but find it difficult to organize your pins into sections. This article will tell you how to make sections on Pinterest

You may have boards for different topics, but the pins within each board can be a little all over the place.  

  • Click on the section you want to add and choose one board. 
  • If you want to add your section, you need to give a title. 
  • You can organize pins that you want to move to your new section. Click ‘move’ to do so. 
  • Put those pins in the section you just created. The section now has all the selected pins. 

Well, there’s an easy way to make sections on Pinterest and it doesn’t involve creating new boards! In this blog post, I’ll show you how to make sections on Pinterest using folders.  

Do you love Pinterest as much as I do? I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite ways to kill time. Are you tired of all the clutter on your boards? Do you want a way to easily organize your pins? 

Well, then the sections are for you! Sections are a great way to keep your boards neat and organized. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to make sections on Pinterest.  

Pinterest is a great site for sharing ideas, but it can be difficult to keep track of all the pins you’ve saved. One way to make it easier to find what you’re looking for is to create sections on Pinterest.  

You can group pins by topic, style, or anything else that makes sense for you. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to make sections on Pinterest and give you some ideas on how to use them. Let’s get started. 

What Are Board Sections? 

Board sections can be used to create sections within your pinboard. Once you’ve created a board, you can divide it into sections to organize your board content. If you find a style you like, you can organize pins by style by grouping them into sections within the bathroom remodeling ideas board. 

It is much easier for you to find what you are looking for later by doing this. Pinners were looking for a feature like this because they had been on pins for a long time and their boards had thousands of pins. They were able to find the pins they wanted to reference more easily because of the board sections. 

How Do I Use Board Sections?

To use this feature to organize your Pinterest board content, go to the + sign, select the add section, and then pick the pins you want to add. New ideas can be saved to the section like they are always there. 

When Should I Use Board Sections?

This isn’t a marketing tool, what did I say about that? It is recommended that you divide your boards into sections for your personal boards, either secret boards in your business account, or boards on a personal account. 

Let’s say you have boards for each meal of the day, for example, a breakfast with a gluten-free recipe, a lunch with a gluten-free recipe, and a dinner with a gluten-free recipe. All the pins can be moved into a single board with sections. Pick the pins you want to move, just head to your board and tap “Organize. 

How to Make Sections on Pinterest Board 

Adding sections to your board is simple, as I have said before. It is easy to turn sections into their own Boards by moving tons of Pins into your new sections. I will be covering all of the how-tops you need to know. 

How to Create Sections in Pinterest Boards 

Visit any board on the mobile Pinterest app and tap the + icon to add a new section name your new Pinterest section Select the pins you want to move to that section tap “Done” to save your new Pinterest board section. You can also create Pinterest Board sections on your desktop, then add Pins there.

If you want to make a section, go to the Board. If you want to name your section, click ‘+Section’. Click the button if you want to organize the larger Board. Click on all the pins you want to move to a new section, then choose the section from the drop-down menu that appears. 

Saving Pins to Pinterest Board Sections 

When you find a new Pin to save, the boards with the sections will have an arrow next to them in your board list. If you tap the Board, you will be able to choose the section you want to add to.  

Adding a new section to the Board can be done on this screen. You don’t have to use this option for Boards you haven’t set up sections on yet. Don’t worry, you can always go in and add them later. 

Deleting Pinterest Board Sections 

To remove a section from a board in the mobile app, go to the board with the selection to be deleted, tap the section you want to remove, and confirm. 

You should keep in mind that this will permanently remove your pins from the section. If you want to keep the Pins, move them all out before merging the board with another section. 

You can do this by selecting the Pins you want to keep, tapping edit, and then moving them to another section or Board for safe-keeping. 

How to Make a Section into a Board on Pinterest 

Want to create a new, separate section for your topic?  Creating a new Board is simple, and while you can’t actually flip a switch to make it a new Board yet, there is a simple workaround. Create a new Board (and move your pins to that Board), and voila. 

Pin the board you created to the top of the new Board section. Add any Pins you want to share to the New Board. You can use the “Pin It” button at the top right of each Pin. 

Open the current Board with the section you want to turn into its own Board, click the Filter button at the top of the page, and select the pins you want to move or remove. 

Do Pinterest Board Sections Help Your Pinterest Marketing? 

I wondered, “How can I use Board sections to increase my exposure in search on Pinterest?” While using sections will help your Pinned content appear in search, it’s no more effective than creating pinnacle boards with niche titles. 

Since schedules can’t send Pins to sections, you’ll want to avoid using sections if you use a Pinterest scheduler. 

It is a Pinner feature that we use to help you guys organize your pins. We wanted to make it easier for you to use Pinterest and have a really great experience, so we put our Pinners first. 


So, there you have it! Everything you need to know about how to make sections on Pinterest. By following these simple steps, you can create an organized and visually appealing board that will keep your followers coming back for more.  

We hope that this article helped you gain all the information you needed to know for “How to Make Sections on Pinterest“. Have fun with it and happy pinning.

Thanks for reading!

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