What’s the Twitter Follow Limit and how can I bypass it?

What’s the Twitter Follow Limit and how can I bypass it?

It used to be feasible to mass follow tens of thousands of individuals on Twitter, hoping that they would return the favor. Many Twitter accounts took advantage of this by following tens of thousands of people while producing little compelling material and receiving few followers. 

Twitter was founded in March of 2006. However, it wasn’t until July/August 2008 that Twitter began limiting how many individuals you could follow. Spam was causing major issues on Twitter. There was a lot of criticism and uncertainty at the time.

Following is a brief about Twitter’s limit on the number of people you can follow that the business has chosen to impose on its services.


  • Why Do Twitter Have Follow Limits? 
  • What Are the Technical Follow Limits? 
    • Account Monitoring by Twitter
    • Twitter Total Follow Limit
    • Twitter Daily Follow Limit
  • How Many People Can I Follow on Twitter Per Hour?
  • How Long Does Follow Limit Last on Twitter?
  • How Do I Get Rid of Follow Limit on Twitter?
  • What Happens if I Hit a Follow Limit?
  • You Are Unable to Follow More People at This Time – What Does This Message Mean?
  • Twitter Follow Limit advice

Why Do Twitter Have Follow Limits? 

Following accounts are a simple way to tailor your Twitter feed and stay up to date on the issues and people you care about. There are technical restrictions on how many Twitter accounts you may follow to avoid spam and manipulation of following connections and maintain site reliability. 

These restrictions are determined by how quickly you follow new accounts and how many followers you have. We’ve also put a few rules regarding the following behavior to foster real experiences because follow relationships on Twitter aren’t reciprocal by nature. 

What Are the Technical Follow Limits? 

The best thing you can do to increase your Twitter followers is to stop thinking about them. Provide value, interact, engage, and act as though you were in a real-life social scenario. If you do that, you will get followers; however, if you focus just on statistics, you will fail to see results because people will recognize you are missing the goal entirely. Nevertheless, you must know the following follow/followers limits on Twitter :

Account Monitoring by Twitter

Twitter has set restrictions on the number of people a user may follow to minimize spam, abuse, and aggressive behavior. Twitter tracks every account’s followers to ensure that no spam is used.

Twitter Total Follow Limit

There are follow ratios that kick in if you’ve followed a particular number of accounts, in addition to the daily limits:

twitter follow limit reached
  • Each Twitter account can follow up to 5,000 persons in total. You may need to wait till your account gets more followers before you may follow new accounts after you achieve that level.

This value is unique to each account and is determined automatically based on your unique follower-to-follower ratio.

Twitter Daily Follow Limit

Twitter does not limit the number of accounts you can follow in total. However, there are certain restrictions on how quickly you can follow them.

  • An unverified Twitter account has a daily limit of 400 accounts it may follow.
  • Verified Twitter accounts can follow up to 1,000 users each day.

How Many People Can I Follow on Twitter Per Hour?

Twitter has not disclosed any criteria for following people per hour. You are only restricted to follow 400 or 1000 (in case of verified account) accounts within 24hrs. However, Twitter prohibits indiscriminate following within a short period. 

How Long Does Follow Limit Last on Twitter?

If a user reaches his daily follow quota, he will receive a notification informing him that he will no longer be able to follow anyone. After the limit has been reached, the user will only be able to follow more accounts after 24 hours.

How Do I Get Rid of Follow Limit on Twitter?

First and foremost, when purchasing Twitter accounts for your marketing initiatives, insist on buying only older accounts. 2–3-year-old accounts are a fantastic place to start.

Always use a household or mobile IP address when creating a Twitter account. If you’re looking to acquire accounts, check for those made on these networks.

Warm up your accounts regularly. Warming up your accounts entails beginning slowly and progressively increasing the number of actions you undertake on them. For Example:

  • Day1: follow 20 – 30 accounts, like 20 – 30
  • Day2: follow 35 – 50 accounts, like 35 – 50

Similarly, you can continue this at a slow and steady pace.

What Happens if I Hit a Follow Limit?

You can see a notification that says, “You are unable to follow more people at this time.” You’ll get this message because your daily follow limit has been met. After a day has passed, you can follow more accounts.

You Are Unable to Follow More People at This Time – What Does This Message Mean?

Such error messages usually occur when you have hit the limited following criteria; however, the following could be some of the other reasons for “You are unable to follow more people at this time.”

  • You’ve been following far too many accounts at once. Try again in about an hour.
  • You’ve reached your follow ratio cap. After your account has more followers, you can try again or unfollow a few accounts to make room for new accounts.
  • Your account has been restricted or locked. If an account looks to be hacked or violates the Twitter Rules or Terms of Service, such as aggressive follow activity, we may lock it. Accounts that are locked are restricted in their actions, including the following.

Twitter Follow Limit advice

There is no way around the limit, and the Twitter help desk will not be able to remove it from your account. The only method to follow people again is to wait until your account gets more followers since this will modify the ratio and ease the account’s restriction. 

You may also unfollow a few people to lower your overall number of followers and allow new people to follow. However, following and unfollowing too many accounts is against Twitter’s terms of service and might result in account suspension, so proceed with caution.


There’s no way to get around the limit, and Twitter’s help desk won’t be able to remove the limit from your account. The only way to follow people again is to wait until your account has received more followers, because this adjusts the ratio and relaxes the limit on your account.

– Switch your wifi IP address.
– Logout of our app and stop all activities in any other apps, tools, bots.
– Change you bio and link your account to other social media.
– Stop all Instagram activities for 24-48 hours, and please patience.
– Report a problem to Instagram.

Post the limit, the user will be able to follow more accounts only after 24 hours. Twitter said that it prohibits indiscriminate following i.e. following and/or unfollowing a large number of unrelated accounts in a short time period, particularly by automated means.09-Apr-2019

– Switch your wifi IP address.
– Logout of our app and stop all activities in any other apps, tools, bots.
– Change you bio and link your account to other social media.
– Stop all Instagram activities for 24-48 hours, and please patience.
– Report a problem to Instagram.

📍 How to remove shadowban Twitter? The best decision is to leave your account alone for 2-3 days. There’s no way to appeal or end a shadowban once it’s started, and posting more activity during that time can lead to yet another ban once the initial one has ended.17-Feb-2021

Twitter Shadowbans usually last for 2-3 days. I suggest that you take a break from any social activity that may need your Twitter account.

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