How Do I Follow Someone On Pinterest – Complete Guide 2022

How Do I Follow Someone On Pinterest – Complete Guide 2022

How Do I Follow Someone On Pinterest – Complete Guide 2022

How do I follow someone on Pinterest? Wanna know about the same? Then read this blog till the end to find out!

Pinterest is a website and app that allows users to create and share digital “pinboards” of images, videos, and other content. Users can browse pinboards created by other users, “re-pin” images to their own pinboards, or “like” pins. Pinterest is one of the most popular social networking platforms in the world, with over 175 million active monthly users as of August 2019. 

How Do I Follow Someone On Pinterest?

Follow these steps to follow someone on Pinterest: 

  • Sign in to your Pinterest account and click on the “People” tab at the top of the page. 
  • Search for the username or name of the person you want to follow on Pinterest
  • Click on their profile to view their boards and pins, and then click the “Follow” button in the top right corner of their profile page. 
  • If you’re already following a user but would like to unfollow them, simply hover over their profile image in your home feed and select “Following” from the menu that appears. 
  • To manage your follow list more broadly, head to Settings > Followers and choose which individuals you want to follow or unfollow on Pinterest. You can also block users from this page if necessary. 

How To Follow Friends On Pinterest? 

To follow a friend on Pinterest, simply find their profile and click the “Follow” button. Once you follow someone, their pins will show up in your home feed. You can also follow specific boards that they’ve created by going to their profile and clicking the “Follow” button on one of their boards. Either way, following friends is a great way to discover new ideas on Pinterest and get inspired.  

If you want to remove someone from your follower’s list, simply visit their profile and click the “Unfollow” button. This will ensure that you no longer see any of their content in your home feed, but they will still be able to see all of your pins. Additionally, if you ever want to stop following a board or person without unfollowing them completely.  

Simply hover over the name on the board or profile page and click the “Unfollow” option that appears. Whether you’re just starting out on Pinterest or are an experienced user, following friends can help make your experience even better. 

There are a few different ways that you can find friends to follow on Pinterest. One way is to search for people who share your interests by typing keywords into the search bar. 

For example, if you’re interested in fashion, you could search for “fashion bloggers” or “style inspiration.” Another way to find people to follow is to browse through the “People You Might Know” section on your homepage.  

This section will show you people who are recommended for you to follow based on your activity and the activity of people you already follow. You can also find friends by importing them from your email contacts list. To do this, go to the “Find Friends” page and click on the “Invite by Email” tab.  

Then, simply enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite and Pinterest will send them an invitation to join. You can also connect your Facebook account to Pinterest, which will allow you to find and follow your Facebook friends who are already on Pinterest. 

Once you start following some friends, be sure to interact with their content by liking, commenting, and repinning their pins. This will help you get more involved in the Pinterest community and make your experience even better. 

How To Follow Pinners You Love? 

Pinterest is one of the best social media platforms to stay connected with people who you love and respect. It is a great way to share ideas, pictures, and links on the web. You can follow pinners without asking them for their permission by following these simple steps: 

Pinning is a great way to collect and share things you love. But what if you want to follow someone whose pins you really like? Here’s how: 

  • Visit the profile of the person you want to follow. 
  • Click the “Follow” button on their profile. 
  • That’s it. You’ll start seeing that person’s pins in your home feed. You’ll also be able to browse their boards and like their pins. 
  • If you want to interact with the person whose profile you are following, you can send them a direct message or comment on one of their pins.  
  • And if they decide to follow you back, that’s great. It’s a great way to connect with other people who share your interests. So go ahead and follow all the pinners you love today. 

How To Discover New People To Follow On Pinterest? 

One of the best ways to discover new people to follow on Pinterest is to browse through popular pins and boards. This can help you find interesting content that others are sharing, which may also include some users or boards that you would like to follow.  

You can also try using Pinterest search tools or hashtags to find relevant topics and users. Additionally, many sites and apps offer suggestions for people to follow based on your existing social connections or interests.  

By exploring these different approaches, you can easily expand your network on Pinterest and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in your industry. 

How To Unfollow A Person On Pinterest? 

Pinterest is a social networking site that allows you to connect with people and share your interests. You can follow other users to see their updates in your feed, or unfollow them if you no longer wish to see their posts. 

Follow these steps to unfollow anyone on Pinterest: 

  • To unfollow a person on Pinterest, start by logging into your account on the site.  
  • Next, go to your profile page and click on the three dots next to the user’s name that you want to unfollow.  
  • In the drop-down menu that appears, select “Unfollow” from the list of options.  
  • Alternatively, you can also hover over their name on your main feed and click on the small “x” icon in the top right corner of their post to unfollow them from there. 

If you want to keep following someone but simply don’t have time for their content, there are a few ways to organize your feed so that their pins don’t appear at the top of your home page or in your notifications.  

One option is to create a custom board that only contains their pins, which helps declutter your main feed while still allowing you access to their content. Another strategy is to use the “Pin It” bookmarklet, which allows you to highlight content from other websites and automatically share it to one of your Pinterest boards. Additionally, you can create a list of interests or topics that will help Pinterest better understand the types of content you want to see.  

Finally, you can use tools like Board Booster or Tailwind to more effectively organize and manage your boards so that pins from fewer active profiles are pushed down further in your feed. With these strategies in place, unfollowing people on Pinterest becomes a much simpler process. 


Pinterest is a social networking site designed to help you discover and share new interests with others. To follow someone on Pinterest, start by navigating to their profile page and clicking the “Follow” button next to their name. You can also follow users from your main feed or by browsing popular pins and boards. 

Hope this article on “How Do I Follow Someone On Pinterest” has helped you. If you have any questions then let us know in the comment section. Thanks for reading. 

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