How to Make a Twitter Thread?

Twitter threads are a collection of tweets connected to the same topic that is tweeted in succession. This is a great way to exchange thoughts and also allows users to not post something that they regret later. This article will help you create your Twitter thread.

Table of Contents

  • What’s the point of a thread on Twitter?
  • How to make a tweet thread
  • How to start a twitter thread for a published tweet
  • What is the Total Number of Posts in a Tweet Thread?
  • Is Twitter threads and tweetstorms one thing?

What’s the point of a Twitter thread,

A Twitter thread can be used to update existing tweets. A thread can be useful for storytelling or adding to previous tweets. You should be aware of the limit on tweets at 280 characters. It is almost impossible to express yourself in a limited amount of words. You may need multiple tweets in order to convey your thoughts. You need to learn how you can create a Twitter topic. You can link multiple tweets together in one tweet.

Making a Tweet Thread

Replying to existing tweets is one of the easiest ways to start a Twitter thread. This involves publishing a first tweet and replying to it with more information. You can reply to another tweet with a maximum of 280 characters and then continue the conversation until you are satisfied.

It is the easiest method but it has a drawback. Your followers might start to reply to existing tweets, which can take some time. They may also ask similar questions to those you are trying to answer in your later tweets. Unintentionally misleading information can result.

Twitter offers a solution. To avoid confusion, you can make a Twitter thread by using Twitter’s built-in thread feature. This allows you to create multiple tweets in one thread and then publish them all together.

Below are the steps to use Twitter’s built-in thread feature.

1. You must first visit the Twitter site or the Twitter app for Android and iOS.

2. You must click on the compose icon on the homepage. This icon is blue and contains a feather symbol as well as a plus symbol. This option is located at the top of Twitter’s website as “What’s Happening”.

3. You must now write your first tweet in the thread just like you normally do.

4. To add your next tweet to the Twitter thread, tap on the blue-plus icon in the lower right corner.

5. Write another tweet and then tap the blue-plus icon.

Keep going until you’re done. Next, tap the “Tweet All” button. This will allow you to publish all of your tweets in one thread.

Start a Twitter thread for a published tweet

You can now create a thread for older tweets using Twitter’s incredible update. These are the steps you need to take to create a Twitter thread to publish a tweet.

  1. Visit the Twitter website, and Click on “What’s Happening” at top.
  2. Now create the Tweet you want to Share
  3. To view older tweets , pull down the menu and click the 3-dotted option . Then choose the “continue to thread” option.

You can add this thread to existing tweets. This option allows you to add additional information to your previous tweets.

How many posts are in one Twitter thread?

A single thread can contain up to 25 tweets. The threads include tweets linked together, including images, GIFs and polls. You can express yourself without having to worry about interfering with other tweets, as each tweet is published simultaneously.

Twitter Threads and Twitterstorms are the same thing?

Sometimes, Twitter threads or Tweetstorms are referred to together, however, this is rarely the case. Tweetstorm is a collection of quick tweets by one user. A thread may be created by a user who continuously tweets to reply to an earlier post. However, if multiple users add tweets in response to a previous post without any context or reference, it may be referred to as a Tweetstorm and not a Thread.

This comprehensive guide should clear up all of your questions about creating a tweet thread. Stay connected for more Twitter information and updates.


– Tap the compose icon.
– Pull down from the compose window and tap Continue Thread to Add to your last Tweet.
– Add content, and tap Tweet to add to your thread.
– To add a thread to an earlier Tweet, click to Select another Tweet.

Twitter threads tend to get more impressions The number of impressions was higher for all the first tweet of the Twitter threads than for the tweet with a link. On average, the threads received 63 percent more impressions. Perhaps Rand Fishkin is right in that Twitter gives more prominence to tweets without a link.06-Dec-2018

Click on the “What’s happening?” field at the top to start typing your Tweet. Open more options by pulling down from the compose window. Choose whether you want to “Add” to your last Tweet or “Continue Thread.” To add a new Tweet to an old thread, click the three dots and select the desired thread.22-May-2021

Tweets can be unavailable for a variety of reasons: they might contain a keyword that you’ve muted, an account’s tweets could be protected, or a tweet may have been deleted.04-Aug-2020

– Click the “Tweet” button to compose a new Tweet.
– Write your first Tweet. Click the “Add another Tweet” button and a second Tweet window will pop up.
– You can publish the entire thread at the same time with the “Tweet all” button.

A thread on Twitter is a series of connected Tweets from one person. With a thread you can provide additional context, an update, or an extended point by connecting multiple Tweets together.


Twitter is a social media site that allows users to share their thoughts and ideas in short bursts. One of the many features of Twitter is its ability to create threads. A thread can be defined as a series of tweets on the same topic connected together. There are two ways to create a thread: reply

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