How to change privacy settings on Twitter

Every Twitter account contains media settings, which help Twitter identify the sort of material you’re publishing and help others locate the information they’re looking for.

Twitter can detect potentially sensitive content that other users may not want to see, such as violence or nudity, by correctly designating your media settings. Please modify your media settings if you plan to upload material frequently. In this article, I am going to tell you how you can change privacy settings on Twitter. 


  • How to Change Privacy Settings on Twitter?
    • How to Change Privacy Settings on Twitter iPhone or Android?
    • How to Change Privacy Settings on Twitter PC OR Mac
  • Twitter Privacy Settings that May Interest you:
    • Change Sensitive Content Setting on Twitter
    • Discoverability Settings
    • Data sharing and Off-Twitter Activity

How to Change Privacy Settings on Twitter?

If you want your tweets to be more private, you may adjust your Twitter settings so that only individuals who follow you can see them, this will protect your tweets. Because you get to approve followers yourself, you have a lot of control over who sees your tweets.

How to Change Privacy Settings on Twitter iPhone or Android?

1. Open the Twitter app and tap the top left account icon.

2. Select Privacy and Settings.

3. Select Privacy and Security.

4. Select Audience and Tags.

5. To activate Protect your Tweets, swipe the button to the right.

6. Tap to tag photos. Swipe the button to the right if you want anybody to be able to tag you in a photo. Then decide whether you want anybody to be able to tag you or only those you follow.

How to Change Privacy Settings on Twitter PC OR Mac

1. Open a web browser and log into your Twitter account if necessary.

2. On the left side of the page, click the three-dot More menu icon.

3. Select Privacy and Settings.

4. Select Privacy and safety, then Audience and tagging from the Settings menu.

5. Select the Protected Tweets option.

6. Select Protect your Tweets from the drop-down menu and confirm your decision by clicking Protect in the pop-up. Only your followers will be able to see your tweets now.

Twitter Privacy Settings that May Interest you:

In comparison to Facebook, Twitter is a more open-ended social media platform. While Twitter’s sensitive media policy prohibits “very graphic” media, “media portraying sexual violence,” and unlawful content, nearly everything else is permitted.

Twitter limits this media by default, with messages like “This media may contain sensitive material,” “This profile may include potentially sensitive content,” and “The following media includes potentially sensitive content.”

You’ll need to establish a Twitter account and sign in to modify this option if you don’t already have one.

Change Sensitive Content Setting on Twitter

Twitter’s privacy settings allow you to turn off the sensitive content alert. These choices are present in the same location in the Android app, but not in the Twitter app for iPhone and iPad.

The Twitter iPhone and iPad applications, on the other hand, will show you sensitive information without warning if you alter the setting on the web.

  1. To turn off the warning, go to the Twitter website and click the “More” button (three dots in a circle) on the left side of the screen.
  2. Then, from the pop-up menu, choose “Settings & Privacy.
  3. Select “Content You See” from the left option under “Privacy and Safety.”
  4. To deactivate the warning for tweets, tick the option next to “Display Media That May Contain Sensitive Content” towards the top of the screen.
  5. To deactivate the warning for tweets, tick the option next to “Display Media That May Contain Sensitive Content” towards the top of the screen.

Discoverability Settings

Here’s how you can change Discoverability setting for Desktop: 

  1. Go to your Privacy and Safety options.
  2. You’ll notice the following options next to the Discoverability section:
  3. Make it easy for individuals with your email address to locate you on Twitter.
  4. Make it easy for folks with your phone number to locate you on Twitter.
  5. Select one or both choices and tick or uncheck them.
  6. The changes are stored automatically.

Here’s how you can change Discoverability setting On Mobile

  1. Go to and tap on your profile photo.
  2. Tap Privacy and safety, then Settings and privacy.
  3. Select Discoverability and contacts from the drop-down menu.
  4. The following options will appear:
  5. Make your email address public.
  6. Allow people to locate you using your phone.
  7. Remove one or both of the choices.

Data sharing and Off-Twitter Activity

  1.  Go to the Twitter app or the Twitter webpage.
  2. Go to your Twitter Settings and Privacy page by tapping on your profile image in the upper-left corner of the app or going to this link for the web-based version of Twitter.
  3. Select Privacy and security, then Personalization and data from the drop-down menu.
  4. To disable all of the options in the Personalization and data menu, tap or click the “Personalization and data” toggle at the top of the screen.

This disables all data gathering and sharing—at least the data and collection over which users have control.


Tap the filter icon in the search bar to refine your results according to From anyone or People you follow, and Anywhere or Near you. Excluding potentially sensitive content from results: To disable this setting, uncheck the box next to Hide sensitive content to turn off.

– Step 1: Open your Twitter app on your device.
– Step 2: Click on the account icon in the top left corner.
– Step 3: Next click on the settings and privacy button.
– Step 4: Then choose privacy and safety.
– Step 5: Click on Audience and tagging.

– Click on the More icon and go to the Privacy and safety settings.
– Look for the Content you see section and check the box next to Display media that may contain sensitive content.
– Settings are automatically saved.

Tap your profile icon in the top left navigation bar. Tap Settings and privacy. Tap Privacy and safety. Look for the Safety section and toggle the button next to Mark media you Tweet as containing material that may be sensitive.

Tap your profile icon in the top left navigation bar. Tap Settings and privacy. Tap Privacy and safety. Look for the Safety section and toggle the button next to Mark media you Tweet as containing material that may be sensitive.

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