How To Remove Followers On Pinterest – Complete Guide 2022

How To Remove Followers On Pinterest – Complete Guide In 2023

How To Remove Followers On Pinterest – Complete Guide 2022

Wanna know how to remove followers on Pinterest? Then you must read this blog post till the end to know all about it.

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that allows users to share and curate content from all over the web. Users create boards based on specific topics or interests, and can then browse through other users’ boards to find new ideas and explore content that interests them. Pinterest also offers many unique features, such as the ability to “like” or “repin” pins, comment on pins, and filter content using custom search tools. 

A follower on Pinterest is someone who has chosen to subscribe to your profile or board on the social media platform. It allows you to see the latest content that your followers are sharing, as well as engage with them by liking and commenting on their posts. In order to gain more followers on Pinterest, it is important to create high-quality, relevant content that your target audience will be interested in and share with their own followers. 

In this article, we will show you how to remove followers on Pinterest. 

How To Remove Followers On Pinterest? 

There are a few different ways to remove followers on Pinterest, depending on your specific situation. One option is to go to that person’s profile and click the “X” icon next to their name. You can also block them from your account completely if you no longer want them to see any of your content or interact with you in any way.

If this individual has posted offensive or malicious content on your boards, you may want to report them as well, as this will enable Pinterest to take action against them and help keep your account safe and secure. Ultimately, it is up to you how you choose to manage your followers on Pinterest, so consider all of your options carefully and make the decision that feels right for you. 

If you have a follower that you want to remove, the first step is to go to their profile. Once you’re on their profile page, look for the “X” icon next to their name. Clicking on this icon will remove the person from your follower list. 

You can also block someone from your account if you don’t want them to see any of your content or interact with you in any way. To do this, go to your settings and click on the “Blocking” tab. From there, you’ll be able to enter the person’s name or email address into the “Block users” field. Once you hit “Enter,” that person will be blocked from viewing your account or interacting with you in any way. 

If you notice that a follower is posting offensive or malicious content on your boards, you may want to report them to Pinterest so that they can take action against the user and help keep your account safe and secure. To do this, simply go to their profile page and click the “Report” button next to their username. From there, select the appropriate category from the dropdown menu and submit your report. 

Overall, there are a variety of different options for removing followers on Pinterest, depending on your specific situation. The best approach will likely depend on whether you want to remove someone permanently or temporarily, as well as what kind of content they have posted and whether it is offensive or malicious in nature. Regardless of which method you choose, be sure to consider all of your options carefully before taking any action. Hope now you know how to remove followers on Pinterest.

How Do I Block Followers On Pinterest App? 

If you want to block someone from following you on Pinterest, here’s how: 

  • Tap the three dots in the top right corner of your profile.
  • Select “Edit settings”. 
  • Scroll down to “Blocked users” and tap “Block user”. 
  • Enter the name or username of the person you want to block and tap “Block”. 
  • Confirm that you want to block the user by tapping “Block” again. 

Once you’ve blocked someone, they will no longer be able to follow you or see anything you pin. If you change your mind, you can always unblock them by going back into your settings and tapping “Unblock user.” However, keep in mind that blocking someone will not remove the content they’ve already pinned from your profile or prevent them from interacting with any of your pins. 

If you want to take more extensive measures to prevent others from following you on Pinterest, there are several ways to do so. One option is to use a third-party tool or browser extension that can hide your public profile from search results and keep other users from being able to find your account directly.

Another option is to create a “secret board” that only you can see, which can be used for pinning things that you don’t want others to see. Finally, if you want complete control over who follows you and what content they see, you may want to consider creating a private Pinterest account that requires an invitation to access. 

Whichever route you choose, blocking someone on Pinterest is a relatively simple process that can help you take back control of your account and keep your pins private.

Why Can’t I See Who Follows Me On Pinterest? 

How To Remove Followers On Pinterest

There is no straightforward answer to this question, as the way that Pinterest chooses who to display your followers on your profile can be somewhat mysterious. However, there are a few things you can try if you want to see all of your followers on Pinterest.

One strategy is to make sure that your account is set up in a way that allows others to find and follow you easily. This means optimizing your profile for search, using relevant keywords and hashtags, and actively engaging with other users on the platform.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that pins from other users may appear in the “Following” section of your profile even if they don’t actually follow you back – this is simply how Pinterest decides what content to show in this area. 

If you are still having trouble seeing who follows you on Pinterest, there may be a technical issue with your account that needs to be fixed. You can try contacting the support team at Pinterest directly for help troubleshooting and resolving any issues. Ultimately, only time will tell if you’ll ever be able to see all of your followers on Pinterest – but with some work and persistence, it is certainly possible.  

If you are looking to increase the number of people who follow you on Pinterest, there are strategies you can try that have been shown to be effective. Some key things to focus on include creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience, engaging actively with other users in order to build your network and reputation, and using relevant keywords and hashtags to make your profile more visible in search.

Additionally, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and features on Pinterest, as this can help you stay ahead of the competition and connect with an engaged audience in new ways. With some time, effort, and patience, you can grow a large following on Pinterest and enjoy all of the benefits that come along with it.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do I Remove Followers From My Profile?

Tap on the profile option, and Select “Edit settings”. 
Scroll down to “Blocked users” and tap “Block user”. 
Enter the name or username of the person you want to block and tap “Block”. 
Confirm that you want to block the user by tapping “Block” again.

Q2. Can You Remove Followers Without Blocking Them?

Tap your profile picture and go to your profile. Tap Followers at the top. Tap Remove to the right of the follower you’d like to remove and confirm.

Q4. Can You Make Your Pinterest Private?

While you can’t completely hide your active account, Use secret boards to keep all of your Pins hidden. Only you can view your own secret boards, you can modify your name or use secret boards to preserve your Pins hidden from others.


If you decide that you no longer want someone to follow your Pinterest account, it’s easy to remove them as a follower. Go to their profile and tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. From there, select “Remove Follow”.

Keep in mind that this will not prevent them from interacting with any of your pins or seeing content you’ve pinned publicly on Pinterest – so if you have a particular reason for wanting to keep certain people from seeing what you pin, blocking is another option worth considering. 

Hope this article has helped you to learn how to remove followers on Pinterest, as well as some tips for growing your following and making the most of your account.

Thanks for reading. 

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