How to view Twitter fleets anonymously

Popular social media platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat have a story feature that people love.

This feature was not available on Twitter until now. Twitter has recently updated its platform so users can post stories called Twitter fleets, which are deleted after 24 hours.

Twitter fleets allow users to share updates and images from their lives with their followers.

This is a great feature that many people like. With Twitter fleets, you can avoid unnecessary arguments and simply share your opinion. It will then disappear in a matter of hours.

This article will tell you anonymously, how to view Twitter fleets. Keep reading.

Table of Contents

  • How to enable Twitter fleets
  • How to view Twitter fleets anonymously

    • Desktop
    • On Mobile app
  • A Different Method To View Twitter Fleets without Knowing
  • Is it possible to see which fleet members are following you on Twitter?

Enable Twitter Fleets

You don’t need to activate this feature, as Twitter fleets is an in-built feature of the app. After updating your Twitter app, images, video, and text can be added. You can also add a fleet to your profile.

If you use Twitter via the web browser, however, this feature will not work. The feature can only be used with mobile apps and is available on iOS and Android devices.

It isn’t necessary to enable it before you use. You can use it as long as your application is current.

Anonymously Viewing Twitter Fleets

All accounts following you can view your fleet once it is posted from your profile.

It could prove difficult to see a specific Twitter fleet without knowing their identity. There is no way to see Twitter fleets anonymously.

You can get around this. This article will show you how to view anonymously Twitter fleets.

On The Desktop

It is likely that many of you don’t know that Twitter has yet to introduce fleets.

If you use Twitter regularly on your computer/desktop, then you won’t be able access the Twitter fleets feature.

Don’t get confused. Follow the steps below to anonymously view Twitter fleets using the Twitter app for Android/iOS.

Twitter is yet to announce when and if they will launch the fleet feature on the web. People aren’t sure what to make of this, but the fleets feature works on both mobile and web versions.

Your app may not be up-to-date if you cannot view fleets from your profile.

On Mobile app

This is how to view Twitter fleets anonymously. These steps should be followed carefully.

First, launch the Twitter app from your smartphone.

Step 2 – Load your feed with all Twitter fleets that sit at the top of it.

Step 3 – After everything has been loaded, switch off your WiFi or Mobile Data from your device.

Step 4– Click on the fleet that is next to your anonymously viewed one.

You will now be able view all fleets loaded, even if the mobile data has been turned off.

These fleet account holders will not know you have viewed their fleets.

After you’re done, turn on your Wi Fi or Mobile Data and then close the app. You can also continue browsing as normal.

You can also read How To Post A Fleet On Twitter

A Different Method To View Twitter Fleets without Knowing

We will discuss other methods or tricks to see someone’s fleet from a secretive angle. These are the steps to follow.

First– Refresh the Twitter feed by opening the Twitter app from your smartphone.

Step 2Click on the fleet that is located next to the actual fleet you wish to view. You should not touch the fleet you wish to see directly.

Step 3 – After the fleet has opened, move slowly in the direction you want to see the fleet.

Don’t swipe all the way, as the account holder will see that you have seen their fleet.

Take a closer look to be able see what the fleet contains from the side. Then close all fleets, and you can continue to browse normally.

Is it possible to see which fleet members are following you on Twitter?

You can view the Twitter accounts who view your fleet. You can see all accounts in one location and view them at any time, even before your fleet expires.

If you want to see a fleet anonymously, then you should remember the tips we’ve mentioned.

You can view their fleet if you use them there.


Open the Twitter app on your phone. Tap on your fleet at the top left to open it. Once it opens, click the “Seen by” at the bottom left corner. Here, you’ll see the people who have seen your fleets.08-Dec-2020

You can watch all the fleets without knowing anyone of them that you watched the story. This feature may be patched in the future by Twitter so make sure that you take advantage of this feature as much as it stays here.13-Jun-2020

Step #1: Check the Twitter Fleet you want to view anonymously and tap on another Fleet next to the actual one. Step #2: Tap on the Fleet to pause it, and slowly swipe it to the Fleet’s direction that you want to view without seen.21-Nov-2020

Wrapping up You can watch all the fleets without knowing anyone of them that you watched the story. This feature may be patched in the future by Twitter so make sure that you take advantage of this feature as much as it stays here.13-Jun-2020

Fleet authors can see who views their Fleets, including accounts with protected Tweets, by clicking into their Fleets and tapping on the ‘Seen By’ text at the bottom.17-Nov-2020

Just like it is on Instagram, you can see who viewed your fleets. Fleet owners can see who viewed their Fleets by tapping on “Seen By” at the boom of their Fleets. Fleet authors can protect their Fleets as they do protect their tweets.21-Nov-2020


Popular social media platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat have a story feature that people love. Twitter has recently updated its platform so users can post stories called Twitter fleets, which are deleted after 24 hours. With Twitter fleets, you can avoid unnecessary arguments and simply share your opinion. It will then disappear

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